The PEDE database and web pages were constructed with following useful software programs.

We cloned porcine cDNAs into the pCMVFL3 or pME18SFL3 vector (Toyobo) in cooperation with Toyobo Co., Ltd. AMP01 and DCI01 libraries were cloned by the SMART method (Clontech). The pCMVFL3 vector is a derivative of pCMVSport6 (Invitrogen). Inserts of the plasmid clones cloned by pCMVFL3 can be sequenced by using the conventional SP6 (forward) and T7 (reverse) sequencing primers, while those cloned by pME18SFL3 can be sequenced by special primers, the information of which will be provided upon request.

The data provided in the PEDE database are publicly available. Citations of the database (Nucleic Acids Res., 32:D484-8, 2004) in the research results derived from the data are required and appreciated. Furthermore, more importantly, We have no financial or proprietary interest in the forms of the usage and results derived from the usage of the data.

All requests for cDNA clones for research use should be sent to: Please understand that we cannot accommodate with urgent or large-scale requests because of limitations in production capacity. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.